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sexta-feira, 25 de fevereiro de 2011

Egypt: Brotherhood divided over minority presidential candidates

The Muslim Brotherhood is internally divided over whether women and Copts should be allowed to run for president. The debate emerged as a number of MB leaders are in the process of revising the political party platform before presenting it the public in its final form. The groups said that the head of its new Freedom and Justice Party will be selected by the party’s general assembly.
A number of the Brotherhood’s leaders want to remove a part of the platform that rejects the eligibility of Copts or women to run for president. However, another faction is in favor of the ban.
A source close to the group’s guidance bureau said they are looking for a way to amend some of the articles of the platform that was first drafted and presented to intellectuals and political elites a few years ago.
The source, who preferred to remain anonymous, told Al-Masry Al-Youm that the most controversial article up for debate is the one relating to the nomination of women and Copts to the presidency.
Shadi Al-Bayoumi, Brotherhood deputy supreme guide, said that the group is carefully reviewing its party platform before announcing it to the public. Al-Bayoumi noted that no decisions have been made yet regarding possible changes.
Saad Al-Husseini, guidance bureau member, said the platform review was prompted by recent political developments inside and outside Egypt.

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